FL stands for First Level and SL stands for Second Level. FL password is your password for your mobile number registered with LoadCentral and SL Password is the password for you to access the LoadCentral Webtool.
Possible reasons why any or both of your password(s) has been blocked. :
1. You did not change your Webtool Password / SL Password and your Mobile Password right away.
2. You have too many invalid login attempts on the Webtool. ( or someone is trying to access your account without your knowledge )
3. You nominated the same password for both FL and SL Password.
You can only change your SL password via Webtool and you can only change your FL password via SMS using your mobile number registered with Loadcentral.
Here’s how :
CHANGEPW [old 6-digit password] [new 6-digit password]
Send above to a LoadCentral Access Number (LCAN)
Default passwords for both FL & SL is : 123456. If your SL password is blocked, contact your subdealer if you are a retailer. Contact UniLOAD.BIZ or your respective Distributor Center if you are a subdealer. For security purposes, please make sure that you provide them with your registered number and registered name
Even though your SL password or webtool password has been reset to default, you will still have to activate it by sending an SMS to LoadCentral access number using the mobile number you registered as a retailer or subdealer. Format:
UNLOCK 123456
Send above to a LoadCentral Access Number (LCAN)
As soon as you have unlocked your account please change your password immediately.